Thursday, April 23, 2015

No Longer Obese! (Post #6)

Yesterday (4/22/2015) I weighed, and after a good long platue I finally broke through it. I lost 2 pounds! 162.3! Logging it into myfitnesspal I wanted to check to see how much longer I had to cross over the line from Obese to Overweight on the BMI Chart scale.

Click to make larger.

I finally, finally broke over! Now I have to work through the field of Overweight to Normal.

3 years ago when I started I didn't realize how good it feels to lose so much.
The accomplishment is overwhelming.

I still have 28 pounds to go. (Wow, I didn't realize I'd ever get to say that.) 
And it's going to be super hard, I know. But I know I'll get there. I've gotten this far. Toning up is my goal. 

Thanks for reading 

Want to read my whole weightloss journey? Click HERE

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